When you actually calculate all of the true costs, you’ll start to see the pros and cons of each type of sale, and will be able to make an educated and informed decision. While we may not be able to offer you full retail value for your house, you may find out that the benefits of selling quickly to Signature Home Buyers outweighs a traditional house sale, both financially and time wise.
You can get rid of the headache of that property fast and avoid paying anymore utility payments, tax payments, insurance payments, mortgage payments, you get the drill. If you list your house and and are lucky enough to find the right buyer right away, you’ll typically have to wait 90+ days to close. To get a true cost analysis, we recommend that you figure in all of the costs of holding your property during the time you have it listed and are waiting for the property to close when deciding if selling the traditional way is right for you… or if you’re better off selling your property fast for a cash offer.